Friday 1 April 2016

Changed Your Mind, Create A Better World.

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       We can not change the weather, but we can change our mood.

        Yes, turn a thought, change our mood, we can beautify the world. Even if the weather is cold, you give others smile will warm the hearts of both; even if the weather is very hot, you care of others, it also nourishes hearts of both. If we just complain and blame others, this will only make each other feel even worse.
       Change our mind, it can affect us and the people around us, even the whole world.


       By changing your mind, you can calm your imbalanced heart and grievances, this will let you become more hardworking in work and create a good relationship with others.
       When you complain about your work, we will certainly careless and impatient, this would not create a good result and achievement, right? Since we have to work or study, no matter how, so tell yourself, "This is what I should do, i must give passion on it, this can affect others become better." Be positive, your work will be done better and faster.

People Around Us

         By changing our mind, we can affect people's mood and create a relax and comfortable atmosphere.
         Just think, when you change your complaint into patience and change your anger into a happy smile, the people around you must feel your kindness. After that, they will spread this kindness to the people around them unconsciously.

People in Society, Nation and around the World

         If everyone began to spread this kindness to others. This will be able to reach amazing outcome. Therefore, we must try to change our mind in every unhappy, selfish and greedy moment. You will change yourself, others and the world.


        Your thoughts become your attitude, your attitude becomes your habits, your habits become your character, your character becomes your life. This is a slow and imperceptible process. We can observe that a thought is enough to change your life.

       Changing your mind is not an escapism,and also not forcing yourself not to think negatively, but is to face and overcome it.

        In life, happy or unhappy, we have to eat and work, why not changing your mind to a positive thinking? Although changing mind is a difficult process, you will feel better if you do so.

        Changing your mind, the most important is to DO it. Every day take it as a self-challenge. Believe me, you'll slowly see your changes: become cheerful, your vision enlarged, your pain is relieved and creating a more comfortable life.

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