Monday 27 June 2016

Must Go Place: Stadthuys Museum Malacca⛪🏰

        Hello, everyone! I just came back from Malacca, one of the state in Malaysia. Nice trip there because Malacca is a very famous  historical place to visit in Malaysia. 

     Today, I am going to share with you about the Stadhuys Museum in Malacca. It costs not more than RM20 to visit and it is worth to visit. Here are some photos I took yesterday. 

Stadhuys Museum Malacca

Old draining system in the Stadhuys. 

Army of Sultanate Era

Army of Portuguese Era

Army of Dutch Era

Army of Britain Era

Army of Japanese Era

Dutch gabenor's office

Room of Baba Nyonya race

Old stuff of Malay race

Ancient weighing tools

Modern musical instruments

Traditional musical instruments

Traditional paddy plantation

Traditional boat

Peacock shape boat

Stone tablet

Government Seal

These photos are only a few percent of the museum. So, I recommend you all to have a trip in Malacca. There are so many interesting places to visit. Thank you. 

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