Tuesday 29 March 2016

Instagram Update? Why so Serious?

      Few days ago, when I saw the Google Trend, I found that many people are concerned about the Instagram update. At the first moment, I said: "What's happening? Why so serious?"

       After that, I go through some articles and found that the most significant change is algorithmical order replaced chronological order. Let's me explain what is this first for those who are not clear about this.

Chronological Order

       For the previous chronological order, Instagram will arranges the posts by chronologically (followed the time of the posts being uploaded).
        Since Intagram users increased to hundred million, we will see many posts from friends that we don't care and we just scroll down once we just saw his/her name.

Algorithmical Order

       May be the developer realised this situation so they changed into algorithmical order. The system will knows what people we cared and what posts we liked. So, the posts that you most concerned will show on the top of feeds.
        This order makes users save time to scroll down the posts that we don't cared at all. BUT, you still can see those posts, don't worry.

My Opinions

        Actually this is small changes, who knows this may give us a new and convenient way to use Instagram. I suggest that Instagram developer can put a scroll-down-tab for users to choose whether they want chronological or algorithmical order. This will satisfy all users.

         Why so serious? Just accept and adapt it. At the same time, users can comment to the developer about their suggestions. Win-win method always the best way.

          This is my personal point of view. Thanks for spending time here. 

Sunday 27 March 2016

Happy Easter Sunday 2016


     Easter is the an important day for Christian. This is the day which celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Activities such as church services, festive family meals, easter egg decoration and gift-giving are taken out on this day.

Praise Him, Believe Him

     “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day.” (1 Corinthians 15:3-5)
      After buried for three days, Jesus raised (or we can called reborn) from death. This is the symbol of washing out our sins and reborn. Let's praise for his selfless spirit.

       “God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power.” (1 Corinthians 6:14)
       God is creator of the universe and everything including us. Only He can raise all his creations. Believe in God that can create miracle of resurrection of Jesus.

Can we also resurrect?

       Haha, you may think that I am asking a stupid question. Actually we can, but not being alive after ending up our lives. 
      We can begin a new life everyday. Don't live in the past that is painful and heartbroken. We see our shadow and live in darkness because we do not face the sun. 
       If I was stingy yesterday, then try to be generous tomorrow; If I was hot-tempered in the past, then try to be patient now. We can change our bad habits and attitudes. If u determine to make positive changes, then you who in the past will die and reborn to a better person, this process we can call as "spiritual resurrection".

      May be this is one of the hidden messages that Jesus wanted to convey to us. Try it and you will feel it. Let's celebrate Easter happily and sincerely.

      Live out your life. Thanks.

Saturday 26 March 2016

A Meaningful Good Friday

     Good Friday (and also known as Great Friday, Holy Friday, or Easter Friday) is a Christian religious holiday commemorating the crucifixian of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. 

Believe in God

      We know Jesus sacrificed himself to wash out our sins. Let's be grateful and thankful to Jesus. He made a lot of miracles such as changing stones into food, changing water into wine and more. These miracles make us to believe him and the God. 

Be Grateful

      Besides strong belief in God, we have to learn to be grateful to all people, animals, plants and things around us. This is because they are all created by the God. Although some people are making us angry and sad, we have to take it as the gift from God. God will not shows himself to teach us, but He will uses the people around us to teach us lessons

Follow Jesus's Footsteps

      Although we are only normal human, we can learn and practise his willing spirit to help others in our daily life. We can create miracles for others by helping them who are in need with our hands. Jesus used all his lifetime to help and save people, why not we also follow his footsteps with a sincere heart ?

      To all of you (no matter you are a Christian or not, I am not a Christian but I like its great spirit), let us learn to believe in God, be grateful to everything and follow saint's footsteps on this meaningful Good Friday. Practising them in life and you will become a better person. Thanks. ☺☺

How to Turn Off a Normal Calculator (Without OFF Button) ?

How to Turn Off a Normal Calculator ?

         Hello everybody! I am here to share with you guys about some methods to turn off a normal calculator which does not have an OFF button. 

Method 1: 

Hold button "2" and then "3", after that, press ON button. 

Method 2: 

Hold button "5" and then "6", after that, press ON button. 

Method 3: 

Hold button "×" and then "÷", after that, press ON button. 

Method 4: 

Hold button "9" and then "-", after that, press ON button. 

    Usually it works on most normal calculator. There are other methods that i have not discover yet. Comment here if you know. 

    Thanks for spending time here. Try it now. ☺☺

Wednesday 23 March 2016

iPhone SE coming soon

A Big Step for Small

Specification is almost same with iPhone 6s, just become smaller and a cheaper price to buy. This is may be a good news for iPhone lovers who do not have much money to buy other iPhones.

Just wait and see. Thanks